
Frozen-Flask freezes a Flask application into a set of static files. The result can be hosted without any server-side software other than a traditional web server.


Install the extension with:

$ pip install Frozen-Flask

or you can get the source code from GitHub.


This documentation assumes that you already have a working Flask application. You can run it and test it with the development server:

from myapplication import app

Frozen-Flask is only about deployment: instead of installing Python, a WGSI server and Flask on your server, you can use Frozen-Flask to freeze your application and only have static HTML files on your server.

Getting started

Create a Freezer instance with your app object and call its Freezer.freeze() method. Put that in a script (or call it whatever you like):

from flask_frozen import Freezer
from myapplication import app

freezer = Freezer(app)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This will create a build directory next to your application’s static and templates directories, with your application’s content frozen into static files.


Frozen-Flask considers it “owns” its build directory. By default, it will silently overwrite files in that directory, and remove those it did not create.

The configuration allows you to change the destination directory, or control what files are removed if at all.

This build will most likely be partial since Frozen-Flask can only guess so much about your application.

Finding URLs

Frozen-Flask works by simulating requests at the WSGI level and writing the responses to aptly named files. So it needs to find out which URLs exist in your application.

The following URLs can be found automatically:

  • Static files handled by Flask for your application or any of its blueprints.

  • Views with no variable parts in the URL, if they accept the GET method.

  • New in version 0.6: Results of calls to flask.url_for() made by your application in the request for another URL. In other words, if you use flask.url_for() to create links in your application, these links will be “followed”.

This means that if your application has an index page at the URL / (without parameters) and every other page can be found from there by recursively following links built with flask.url_for(), then Frozen-Flask can discover all URLs automatically and you’re done.

Otherwise, you may need to write URL generators.

URL generators

Let’s say that your application looks like this:

def products_list():
    return render_template('index.html', products=models.Product.all())

def product_details(product_id):
    product = models.Product.get_or_404(id=product_id)
    return render_template('product.html', product=product)

If, for some reason, some products pages are not linked from another page (or these links are not built by flask.url_for()), Frozen-Flask will not find them.

To tell Frozen-Flask about them, write a URL generator and put it after creating your Freezer instance and before calling Freezer.freeze():

def product_details():
    for product in models.Product.all():
        yield {'product_id':}

Frozen-Flask will find the URL by calling url_for(endpoint, **values) where endpoint is the name of the generator function and values is each dict yielded by the function.

You can specify a different endpoint by yielding a (endpoint, values) tuple instead of just values, or you can by-pass url_for and simply yield URLs as strings.

You can avoid re-freezing URLs by yielding a tuple (endpoint, values, time), where time is a datetime.datetime object. The URL will only be frozen if the corresponding output file doesn’t exist, or was last modified earlier than time.

Also, generator functions do not have to be Python generators using yield, they can be any callable and return any iterable object.

All of these are thus equivalent:

def product_details():  # endpoint defaults to the function name
    # `values` dicts
    yield {'product_id': '1'}
    yield {'product_id': '2'}

def product_url_generator():  # Some other function name
    # `(endpoint, values)` tuples
    yield 'product_details', {'product_id': '1'}
    yield 'product_details', {'product_id': '2'}

def product_url_generator():
    # URLs as strings
    yield '/product_1/'
    yield '/product_2/'

def product_url_generator():
    # Return a list. (Any iterable type will do.)
    return [
        # Mixing forms works too.
        ('product_details', {'product_id': '2'}),

Generating the same URL more than once is okay, Frozen-Flask will build it only once. Having different functions with the same name is generally a bad practice, but still work here as they are only used by their decorators. In practice you will probably have a module for your views and another one for the freezer and URL generators, so having the same name is not a problem.

Testing URL generators

The idea behind Frozen-Flask is that you can use Flask directly to develop and test your application. However, it is also useful to test your URL generators and see that nothing is missing, before deploying to a production server.

You can open the newly generated static HTML files in a web browser, but links probably won’t work. The FREEZER_RELATIVE_URLS configuration can fix this, but adds a visible index.html to the links. Alternatively, use the method to start an HTTP server on the build result, so you can check that everything is fine before uploading:

if __name__ == '__main__': will freeze your application before serving and when the reloader kicks in. But the reloader only watches Python files, not templates or static files. Because of that, you probably want to use only for testing the URL generators. For everything else use the usual

Flask-Script may come in handy here.

Controlling What Is Followed

Frozen-Flask follows links automatically or with some help from URL generators. If you want to control what gets followed, then URL generators should be used with the Freezer’s with_no_argument_rules and log_url_for flags. Disabling these flags will force Frozen-Flask to use URL generators only. The combination of these three elements determines how much Frozen-Flask will follow.


Frozen-Flask can be configured using Flask’s configuration system. The following configuration values are accepted:


Full URL your application is supposed to be installed at. This affects the output of flask.url_for() for absolute URLs (with _external=True) or if your application is not at the root of its domain name. Defaults to 'http://localhost/'.


If set to True, Frozen-Flask will patch the Jinja environment so that url_for() returns relative URLs. Defaults to False. Python code is not affected unless you use relative_url_for() explicitly. This enables the frozen site to be browsed without a web server (opening the files directly in a browser) but appends a visible index.html to URLs that would otherwise end with /.

New in version 0.10.


The MIME type that is assumed when it can not be determined from the filename extension. If you’re using the Apache web server, this should match the DefaultType value of Apache’s configuration. Defaults to application/octet-stream.

New in version 0.7.


If set to True, Frozen-Flask won’t show warnings if the MIME type returned from the server doesn’t match the MIME type derived from the filename extension. Defaults to False.

New in version 0.8.


Path to the directory where to put the generated static site. If relative, interpreted as relative to the application root, next to the static and templates directories. Defaults to build.


If set to True (the default), Frozen-Flask will remove files in the destination directory that were not built during the current freeze. This is intended to clean up files generated by a previous call to Freezer.freeze() that are no longer needed. Setting this to False is equivalent to setting FREEZER_DESTINATION_IGNORE to ['*'].

New in version 0.5.


A list (defaults empty) of fnmatch patterns. Files or directories in the destination that match any of the patterns are not removed, even if FREEZER_REMOVE_EXTRA_FILES is true. As in .gitignore files, patterns apply to the whole path if they contain a slash /, to each slash-separated part otherwise. For example, this could be set to ['.git*'] if the destination is a git repository.

New in version 0.10.


A list (defaults empty) of fnmatch patterns. Files served by send_static_file that match any of the patterns are not copied to the build directory. As in .gitignore files, patterns apply to the whole path if they contain a slash /, to each slash-separated part otherwise. For example, this could be set to ['*.scss'] to stop all SASS files from being frozen.

New in version 0.12.


If set to True (defaults False), Frozen-Flask won’t stop freezing when a 404 error is returned by your application. In this case, a warning will be printed on stdout and the static page will be generated using your 404 error page handler or flask’s default one. This can be useful during development phase if you have already referenced pages which aren’t written yet.

New in version 0.12.


The policy for handling redirects. This can be:

  • 'follow' (default): when a redirect response is encountered, Frozen-Flask will follow it to get the content from the redirected location. Note that redirects to external pages are not supported.

  • 'ignore': freezing will continue, but no content will appear in the redirecting location.

  • 'error' : raise an exception if a redirect is encountered.

New in version 0.13.


If set to True (defaults False), Frozen-Flask will skip the generation of files that already exist in the build directory, even if the contents would have been different. If set to a function that takes two arguments url and filename and returns a bool, a file is skipped only if the return value of the function is True when passed the URL and on-disk path of the file. Useful if your generation takes up a very long time and you want to skip some or all of the existing files.

New in version 0.14.

New in version 0.16: FREEZER_SKIP_EXISTING now accepts function values.

Filenames and MIME types

For each generated URL, Frozen-Flask simulates a request and saves the content in a file in the FREEZER_DESTINATION directory. The filename is built from the URL. URLs with a trailing slash are interpreted as a directory name and the content is saved in index.html.

Query strings are removed from URLs to build filenames. For example, /lorem/?page=ipsum is saved to lorem/index.html. URLs that are only different by their query strings are considered the same, and they should return the same response. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

Additionally, the extension checks that the filename has an extension that matches the MIME type given in the Content-Type HTTP response header. In case of mismatch, the Content-Type that a static web server will send will probably not be the one you expect, so Frozen-Flask issues a warning.

For example, the following views are both wrong:

def lipsum():
    return '<p>Lorem ipsum, ...</p>'

def compressed_css():
    return '/* ... */'

as the default Content-Type in Flask is text/html; charset=utf-8, but the MIME types guessed by the Frozen-Flask as well as most web servers from the filenames are application/octet-stream and text/css.

This can be fixed by adding a trailing slash to the URL or serving with the right Content-Type:

# Saved as `lipsum/index.html` matches the 'text/html' MIME type.
def lipsum():
    return '<p>Lorem ipsum, ...</p>'

def compressed_css():
    return '/* ... */', 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/css; charset=utf-8'}

Alternatively, these warnings can be disabled entirely in the configuration.

Character encodings

Flask uses Unicode everywhere internally, and defaults to UTF-8 for I/O. It will send the right Content-Type header with both a MIME type and encoding (eg. text/html; charset=utf-8). Frozen-Flask will try to preserve MIME types through file extensions, but it can not preserve the encoding meta-data. You may need to add the right <meta> tag to your HTML. (You should anyway).

Flask also defaults to UTF-8 for URLs, so your web server will get URL-encoded UTF-8 HTTP requests. It’s up to you to make sure that it converts these to the native filesystem encoding. Frozen-Flask always writes Unicode filenames.

API reference

class flask_frozen.Freezer(app=None, with_static_files=True, with_no_argument_rules=True, log_url_for=True)

Flask app freezer.

  • app (flask.Flask) – your application or None if you use init_app()

  • with_static_files (bool) – Whether to automatically generate URLs for static files.

  • with_no_argument_rules (bool) – Whether to automatically generate URLs for URL rules that take no arguments.

  • log_url_for (bool) –

    Whether to log calls your app makes to flask.url_for() and generate URLs from that.

    New in version 0.6.


Run all generators and yield URLs relative to the app root.

May be useful for testing URL generators.


This does not generate any page, so URLs that are normally generated from flask.url_for() calls will not be included here.


Clean the destination and build all URLs from generators.


Like freeze() but yields info while processing pages.

Yields namedtuples (url, path). This can be used to display progress information, such as printing the information to standard output, or even more sophisticated, e.g. with a progressbar:

import click

with click.progressbar(
        item_show_func=lambda p: p.url if p else 'Done!') as urls:
    for url in urls:
        # everything is already happening, just pass

Allow to register an app after the Freezer initialization.


app – your Flask application


Register a function as an URL generator.

The function should return an iterable of URL paths or (endpoint, values) tuples to be used as url_for(endpoint, **values).


the function, so that it can be used as a decorator

property root

Absolute path to the directory Frozen-Flask writes to.

Resolved value for the FREEZER_DESTINATION configuration.


Same as serve() but calls freeze() before serving.


Run an HTTP server on the result of the build.


options – passed to

flask_frozen.walk_directory(root, ignore=())

Walk the root folder and yield slash-separated paths relative to root.

Used to implement the URL generator for static files.


ignore – A list of fnmatch patterns. As in .gitignore files, patterns that contain a slash are matched against the whole path, others against individual slash-separated parts.

flask_frozen.relative_url_for(endpoint, **values)

Like flask.url_for(), but returns relative URLs if possible.

Absolute URLs (with _external=True or to a different subdomain) are unchanged, but eg. /foo/bar becomes ../bar, depending on the current request context’s path. (This, of course, requires a Flask request context.)

URLs that would otherwise end with / get index.html appended, as Frozen-Flask does in filenames. Because of this behavior, this function should only be used with Frozen-Flask, not when running the application in or another WSGI sever.

If the FREEZER_RELATIVE_URLS configuration is True, Frozen-Flask will automatically patch the application’s Jinja environment so that url_for in templates is this function.


Version 1.0.2

Released on 2024-02-09.

  • Use a syntax closer to .gitignore to ignore paths in walk_directory.

Version 1.0.1

Released on 2023-11-11.

  • Don’t install tests as top-level package.

Version 1.0.0

Released on 2023-11-10.

  • Support Flask 3.

  • Drop support of Python 2 and PyPy.

  • Test Python 3.8 to 3.12, and Flask 2 and 3.

  • Clean style guide and check it on CI.

  • Host documentation on Read the Docs.

Version 0.19

Released on 2023-11-06.

  • Pin Flask < 3 version.

Version 0.18

Released on 2021-06-15.

  • Support Flask 2.

  • Ensure that the static endpoint is emitted by _static_rules_endpoints method with Flask 2.

Version 0.17

Released on 2021-06-02.

  • Allow URL generators to include a last_modified timestamp to avoid generating unmodified pages again.

  • Support functions in FREEZER_SKIP_EXISTING.

  • Support Python 3.9.

  • Launch tests on GitHub Actions.

  • Support unquoting URLs that contain multi-byte unicode characters.

  • Pin Flask < 2 version.

Version 0.16

No changes.

Version 0.15

Released on 2017-06-27.

  • Add Freezer.freeze_yield() method to make progress reporting easier. (Thanks to Miro Hrončok.)

Version 0.14

Released on 2017-03-22.

  • Add the FREEZER_SKIP_EXISTING configuration to skip generation of files already in the build directory. (Thanks to Antoine Goutenoir.)

  • Add shared superclass FrozenFlaskWarning for all warnings. (Thanks to Miro Hrončok.)

Version 0.13

Released on 2016-09-30.

  • Add the FREEZER_REDIRECT_POLICY configuration.

Version 0.12

Released on 2015-11-05.

  • Add the FREEZER_IGNORE_404_NOT_FOUND configuration. (Thanks to Thomas Sarboni.)

  • Add the FREEZER_STATIC_IGNORE configuration. (Thanks to Alex Guerra.)

  • Fix #36: Support non-default app.config[‘SERVER_NAME’].

Version 0.11

Released on 2013-06-13.

  • Add Python 3.3 support (requires Flask >= 0.10 and Werkzeug >= 0.9)

  • Drop Python 2.5 support

  • Fix #30: relative_url_for() with a query string or URL fragment.

Version 0.10

Released on 2013-03-11.

  • Add the FREEZER_DESTINATION_IGNORE configuration (Thanks to Jim Gray and Christopher Roach.)

  • Add the FREEZER_RELATIVE_URLS configuration

  • Add the relative_url_for() function.

Version 0.9

Released on 2012-02-13.


Version 0.8

Released on 2012-01-17.

  • Remove query strings from URLs to build a file names. (Should we add configuration to disable this?)

  • Raise a warning instead of an exception for MIME type mismatches, and give the option to disable them entirely in the configuration.

Version 0.7

Released on 2011-10-20.

  • Backward incompatible change: Moved the flaskext.frozen package to flask_frozen. You should change your imports either to that or to flask.ext.frozen if you’re using Flask 0.8 or more recent. See Flask’s documentation for details.


  • Switch to tox for testing in multiple Python versions

Version 0.6.1

Released on 2011-07-29.

Re-release of 0.6 with the artwork included.

Version 0.6

Released on 2011-07-29.

  • Thanks to Glwadys Fayolle for the new logo!

  • Frozen-Flask now requires Flask 0.7 or later. Please use previous version of Frozen-Flask if you need previous versions of Flask.

  • Support for Flask Blueprints

  • Added the log_url_for parameter to Freezer. This makes some URL generators unnecessary since more URLs are discovered automatically.

  • Bug fixes.

Version 0.5

Released on 2011-07-24.

  • You can now construct a Freezer and add URL generators without an app, and register the app later with Freezer.init_app().

  • The FREEZER_DESTINATION directory is created if it does not exist.

  • New configuration: FREEZER_REMOVE_EXTRA_FILES

  • Warn if a URL generator seems to be missing. (ie. if no URL was generated for a given endpoint.)

  • Write Unicode filenames instead of UTF-8. Non-ASCII filenames are often undefined territory anyway.

  • Bug fixes.

Version 0.4

Released on 2011-06-02.

  • Bugfix: correctly unquote URLs to build filenames. Spaces and non-ASCII characters should be %-encoded in URLs but not in frozen filenames. (Web servers do the decoding.)

  • Add a documentation section about character encodings.

Version 0.3

Released on 2011-05-28.

  • URL generators can omit the endpoint and just yield values dictionaries. In that case, the name of the generator function is used as the endpoint, just like with Flask views.

  • Freezer.all_urls() and walk_directory() are now part of the public API.

Version 0.2

Released on 2011-02-21.

Renamed the project from Flask-Static to Frozen-Flask. While we’re at breaking API compatibility, is now Freezer.freeze() and the prefix for configuration keys is FREEZER_ instead of STATIC_BUILDER_. Other names were left unchanged.

Version 0.1

Released on 2011-02-06.

First properly tagged release.